Naming a Legacy: Balancing Culture and Parenthood
By Alex Silverman The Name, directed by Aaron Strand, tells the story of an expecting couple struggling to choose their child’s name. The father prefers a traditional English name inspired by Shakespeare, while the mother, of Hindi descent, wishes to honor her heritage. Their emotional journey offers insight into the challenges new parents face when merging cultural identities. This insightful short film captures the beauty and...
作者:Alex Silverman 《吸引力》, 指導的, 編輯, 生產的, 王煥碩攝. 它是作為最終項目制定的 2022 紐約大學蒂施夏季高中電影製片人研討會. 發生在中國, 我們發現一個年輕的高中男孩發現了一個對他有感覺的聾啞女孩. 以下是為了給女孩留下好印象的幾種嘗試, 但他的每一個計劃似乎都失敗了. 直到他終於要….