A Global Search for Education: Mi a negyedik út?

A Global Search for Education: Mi a negyedik út?

“Meg kell létrehozni platformok tanárok kezdeményezheti saját változások és hogy saját ítéleteket a fronton, többet kell befektetnie a változás kapacitások helyi kerületekből és közösségek, és a prudens helyett feslett megközelítések vizsgálata.” — Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley The Fourth Way is a powerful new vision to bring about effective educational reform. Even after one has...

A Global Search for Education: Szingapúri Technology

A Global Search for Education: Szingapúri Technology

The focus is on using technology as a tool for teaching and learning, rather than on technology in itself.” — DR. Pak Tee Ng Singapore’s education institutions are considered among the most advanced in the world with regard to information technology. This week in The Global Search for Education, Meghívtam Dr.. Pak Tee Ng in Singapore to update us on how Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE)...

A Global Search for Education: Az Oktatási vita 2012 — Andy Hargreaves

A Global Search for Education: Az Oktatási vita 2012 — Andy Hargreaves

  “A nemzet erkölcsi gazdaság fektet az oktatás mindenki számára jó ahol tudja,, és teszi prudens gazdaságok, amelyek nem károsítják a minőségi oktatás és a tanulás, amikor csak kell.” — Andy Hargreaves In this presidential election, I believe it is critical to vote for the candidate who has the most impactful 21st century vision for education because addressing our issues now is essential for the...

A Global Search for Education: Több Szingapúrból

A Global Search for Education: Több Szingapúrból

I think our key strategy to engage students in learning is to have good teachers, those who understand their students, tailor teaching strategies according to their studentsprofile, and make lessons interesting.” — DR. Pak Tee Ng Singapore is recognized globally as a high-performing education system. Singapore students fared very well in the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)....

A Global Search for Education: In Search of szakemberek az egész világon

A Global Search for Education: In Search of szakemberek az egész világon

What is fundamentally different today is that education systems now need to equip all teachers, and not just some, for effective learning.” — Andreas Schleicher “It is very clear that high performing systems generally have a high performing teacher population.” — Andreas Schleicher Professional Capital, Andrew Hargreaves’ and Michael Fullan’s recently released book, proposes an...
