全球搜索教育: 避難所: 萊蒂西亞·阿古多 (Leticia Agudo) 談到透過電影重新定義難民敘事

全球搜索教育: 避難所: 萊蒂西亞·阿古多 (Leticia Agudo) 談到透過電影重新定義難民敘事

這個月, 觀眾可以在星球課堂網路上放映《避難所》.

避難所: 對脆弱性和韌性的真誠探索

避難所: 對脆弱性和韌性的真誠探索

By Nikita Harris Refuge is a film directed by Leticia Agudo that takes you to the other side of life abroad. It captures the essence of vulnerability when one is left to the mercy of the harsh city streets in a host country. The story of Lawrence provides an eye-opening look at the life of a Cameroonian refugee in Seville, 西班牙, displaced and living a life of uncertainty day-to-day. The dialogue, based on real-life experiences,...
