A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Alterar Líder
“A maneira de melhorar a qualidade do ensino é através de trabalho em equipe nas escolas, e, em seguida, coloque-a melhor professor pré-service, melhor atração da profissão, e um melhor desenvolvimento profissional.” — Michael Fullan Michael Fullan has been working to identify the right drivers for whole system education reform. Seu papel, “Escolhendo os drivers errados para a Reforma do Sistema Integral,” has...
A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: All That Is Me
“O sistema de ensino que irá otimizar as perspectivas de sucesso no mundo global será aquele que desenvolve paixão, lançamentos criatividade, e que tenha profundamente desafiou os seus jovens.” — Anthony Seldon Developing the whole child has been the goal of many leading global educators. Aqueles que estão tendo sucesso parecem ter atingido o equilíbrio entre a aprendizagem, avaliação, and helping students understand who...
A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Conhecimento
“A escolaridade é um direito universal. It is about the right of all young peopleto have access to ‘powerful knowledge’… ” — Michael Young Fueled by international test scores which indicate that the UK is lagging behind other nations in education, o debate educação britânica tem se concentrado em uma série de questões. These include the nature of standardized exams and the weakness of the academic core...
A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: More from Canada
“Good Teachers are critical. It is an absolutely vital factor.” — Dr. Ben Levin “A U.S. cannot improve its education system for all or even most children by keeping its present focus on charter schools, more testing, teacher evaluation and union bashing. None of those feature in the best-performing countries. There must be a focus on helping all schools improve, combining pressure with lots of...
A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: What Did You Learn Today?
“Children do not always learn what we teach. That is why the most important assessment does not happen at the end of the learning, it happens during the learning.” — Dylan Wiliam “It is right that teachers and schools are accountable to those with a stake in public education, and this requires assessments that are free from subjectivity. So we do need some form of standardized assessment. No entanto, the...
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