Un Futuro Vivo (A Living Future): Inspiring Individuals
By Sadie Judd Un Futuro Vivo (A Living Future), directed by Natalie Sipes, highlights the importance of clean drinking water in rural Nosara, 哥斯达黎加. Adriana’s project, ASADA, and her collaboration with La Liga Comunal del Agua, showcases the power of community in securing potable water. This film is an eye-opening look at the daily struggles faced by rural communities and their perseverance. Un Futuro Vivo is a moving reminder of...
By Sadie Judd The micro-documentary New Hope for Girls by Dallas Golden, is a whirlwind of positivity and love, centering on what it means to have supportive individuals in our lives. The film was shot on location in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania by a crew from Actuality Abroad. Through Consoler Eliya’s story, audiences become captivated by her resilience and strength, and how that has led her to impact young girls’ lives in the most...
By Zachary Klein Director Samantha Kapinos’ film Supremos (We Will Overcome) is small but deliberate. Kapinos’ short documentary conjures emotions by connecting a larger social problem to a heartfelt story of resilience and community-bonding. ‘Supremos’ follows Araceli, a single Honduran mother raising her two children while studying to finish her high school degree, supported by the Esteli Women’s School. Kapinos is...