A Global Search for Education: Oktatás Film – Az IB Film Program
“Kevés olyan művészeti forma jut eszembe, amely felkéri a hallgatókat, hogy más kultúrákba keveredjenek, olyan teljes mértékben, mint a film, a látvány egyedülálló kombinációján keresztül, teljesítmény, technikai, zenei és elbeszélő elemek.” — Nick Lindner Part 2 of the Education in Film series The International Baccalaureate (IB) film program aims to develop in students the skills necessary to achieve creative and critical independence...
A Global Search for Education: Dél-Korea
“Dwight Seoul arról szól, igazi vezetők, és nem csak a vizsgázók.” — Kevin Skeoch The first IB “az iskolai” (elsődleges év, középkorú és diploma program) nyitja meg kapuit a diákok az egyik a világ egyik vezető oktatási rendszerek augusztusban 2012 — Seoul, Dél-Korea. Az iskola található, Szöul új Digital Media City, considered Korea’s Silicon Valley....
A Global Search for Education: Dreams
“I see schools as being a place for finding your talent, enriching yourself through being socially attached to one another, and building a healthy personality.” — Pasi Sahlberg Finnish educator Pasi Sahlberg and Chancellor Stephen Spahn of the Dwight School in Manhattan have big dreams for education. Sahlberg, the celebrated global reformer and author of newly released (and already in reprint) Finnish...
How Will They Lead?
“So many of them have persevered through so much in their lives already, and overcome tremendous adversity, but they don’t even realize it. It is remarkable that they want to continue dedicating themselves to helping others.” — Kirk Spahn, ICL co-founder As Americans begin to evaluate the US candidates for the next presidential election, everyone will ask himself or herself this question: How will they...
A Global Search for Education: How to Develop World Leaders
Dwight teacher Paul Sanders and student learn Mandarin in Beijing “I don’t speak a foreign language. It’s embarrassing,” said President Obama recently. It is embarrassing, Mr. Elnök, but it does not surprise me. You did not grow up like I did. Five different overseas schools and numerous cultures before I was 12, and then an international boarding school. My parents (with six children) were following a pay...
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