Taming Flames: جنگل کی آگ کی تباہی کو روکنا

کی طرف: Nikita Harris

Wildfires due to climate change affect everyone in the country on some level. It’s the responsibility of all of society to take the necessary actions to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Taming Flames by Ford Melillo is a highly informative film that presents the issues and offers some solutions for dangerous wildfires. The information is presented in a way that emphasizes both the need for change and the tragedy and devastation caused by wildfires.

The film gives the audience valuable facts to consider and hopefully mobilizes viewers to help combat climate change.

میں یہ فلم دیتا ہوں۔ 4 سے باہر 5 ستارے.

Nikita Harris is a student at the University of Houston majoring in Strategic Communications with a concentration in Corporate Communications. She is a Communications Intern at CMRubinWorld with interest in art and writing.

مصنف: C. M. روبن

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