
By Veronique Manfredini

セバスチャン, クラウディオ・マルティンス監督, 受賞歴のある本を原作とした短編映画です, “彼女は空のような目をしている,” ポルトガルの作家ソコロ・アチョーリ著. 個人と集団の間の違いが、「他者」とみなされる人物とその周囲の人々の両方にどのように損害を与える可能性があるかについて、思慮深い分析を描いています。.

彼女の町がセバスティアナへの贈り物をどのように扱うか, even though she doesn’t try to attract attention, illustrates how much being different affects individuals from the collective. This difference makes people dislike her. They separate her from her friends because she’s seen as a threat. When Sebastiana gets mad because of all the harassment, she accidentally kills her friend with a thunderbolt. これにもかかわらず, she is the cure to the damage she caused, and is able to save her friend with her tears.

This short film’s animation was well done, 係, and entertaining to watch. 音楽, 音響効果, and the lack of a voice for the characters made it that much more effective in delivering the whole story.

私は思います セバスチャン has a good balance between a light hearted way of storytelling with its engaging and entertaining animations and its thoughtful and deep meaning below the surface.

私はこの映画をあげます 5 の中から 5 出演者.

Veronique is a graduate of Columbia University’s School of General Studies with a Bachelor’s in writing, and received associate degrees in English and Business Administration with High Honors. Her debut flash-fiction piece, 「Holy Ransom Demands!," was published in the Mood Reader Anthology by Hale Patton Publishing in February 2022.

She is passionate about writing and aims to have a career as a college professor, 著者, and developmental editor.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
