教育のためのグローバル検索: アナ・ハンハウゼン氏がOECDアンナ・ポンス氏にインタビュー

今月, 視聴者は見ることができます ネット・ゼロがアンナ・ポンズと語る 聴衆は学生の心の調整をスクリーニングすることができます.

Curated by the Protect Our Planet (ネットゼロ文化の育成に関する環境保護論者ジョン・ラング) Movement and Planet Classroom, this Net Zero episode features climate activist Ana Hanhausen in conversation with Anna Pons, a leading expert in climate education from the OECD.

The two women delve into how global education initiatives can transform climate concern into actionable steps, empower students to become climate leaders, and prepare them for a sustainable future. This insightful interview offers valuable perspectives for educators and climate advocates alike.

教育のためのグローバル検索 アナ・ハンハウゼンをお迎えできることを嬉しく思います.

良い, why did you select this particular climate thought leader to interview? 彼女についてあなたにインスピレーションを与えたもの?

I chose Anna because of her extensive experience and knowledge in climate education. Her dedication to turning concern about climate change into actionable steps for students is truly inspiring. She has a remarkable ability to bridge the gap between awareness and action, which is crucial in today’s world.


What surprised me the most was learning about the disconnect between studentsconcern for climate change and their readiness to take action. Anna highlighted how climate anxiety can lead to inaction, emphasizing the importance of education in empowering students to act. This insight was both enlightening and thought-provoking.

What are your three main takeaways for the Net Zero audience from your interview?

初めに, effective climate education should empower students to take meaningful action. 第二に, integrating climate education across the curriculum can enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 最後に, preparing students for the green economy requires a strong emphasis on STEM subjects and developing skills like creativity and critical thinking.

ありがとう, 良い!

C言語. M. ルービンとアナ・ハンハウゼン

お見逃しなく ネット・ゼロがアンナ・ポンズと語る, Planet Classroom Network でストリーミング中. この映画は、Protect Our Planet Movement と Planet Classroom によってキュレーションされました。.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン



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