Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Dietro le quinte di Be a Green Hero – Una conversazione con Donna Britton Bukevicz e Ross Orenstein

Questo mese, il pubblico può schermare Be a Green Hero sulla rete Planet Classroom. Questo film è curato per Planet Classroom Network da KIDS FIRST! Film Festival.

Viewers will join Mr. Recycle Man, Chef Green, and Daisy in a delightful animated short, Be a Green Hero, written by Donna Britton Bukevicz and Ross Orenstein. Catchy songs and lovable puppets teach kids and adults toThink Ecologicallyand become Green Heroes through the power of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This short film is a fun and meaningful global learning experience for all planet lovers

Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione is pleased to welcome Donna Britton Bukevicz and Ross Orenstein.

Donna and Ross, where did you get all of those puppets? How was that funded?

The concept for Mr. Recycle Man, Daisy, and Chef Green was created by us after having spent five years operating a grassroots non-profit where our eco-educational music programs were conducted in the communities of both Warrenton, Virginia, and Pensacola, Florida. We contracted James Kemp Puppets to design them. Our company, Music as Message, funded the costs associated with the creation of the puppets, and we own the characters 100%.

Were there voice actors hired specifically for the puppet roles?

Sì, c'erano. Professional puppeteers James Kemp was the voice of Chef Green, Jennifer Himes was the voice of Daisy, and Andrew Clinton was the voice of Mr. Recycle Man.

How long did it take to film the songs?

The songs were filmed as part of the music video for the short film that won Best Score and Music, Best Cinematography, and Best Educational Short in 2022 at the Show Low Film Festival and was an Official Selection at the KidsFirst Film Festival. We rented the studio at our local PBS station and shot the video with the songs in one full day.

The songs are really great. How long did it take to write them?

There were four songs featured in Be A Green Hero: “Think Ecologically,” “Sig.. Recycle Man,” “La La La Love the Color Green,” “Recycling Girl,” e “We Like Music.All songs were co-written by us (Donna and Ross), with the exception ofThink Ecologically,” which included co-writer Dr. Dave Tough.

Over the course of three months, we collaborated with Nashville producer, CJ Watson, who was instrumental in creating the character voices and the musical arrangements. “Sig.. Recycle Man,” “La La La Love the Color Green,” e “We Like Musicwere recorded by Bryan Steele, and he is the featured vocalist onWe Like Music.CJ Watson is the vocalist on “Sig.. Recycle Man” e “La La La Love the Color Green.” “Think Ecologicallywas recorded and produced by Dr. Dave Tough and features vocalist Donna Britton Bukevicz and Tre Houston. “Recycling Girlwas recorded by Jason Ahlbrant of Red Guitar Studios in Nashville, and Donna Britton Bukevicz is the featured vocalist.

Congratulations again and thank you Donna and Ross!

C. M. Rubin and Donna and Ross

Da non perdere, Be a Green Hero, ora in streaming su Planet Classroom Network. Questo film è curato per Planet Classroom Network da KIDS FIRST! Film Festival.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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