全球搜索教育: 氣候活動家伊凡·蘭塞姆訪談博士. 阿什·帕喬裡

這個月, 觀眾可以觀看 Net Zero Speaks with Dr. 阿什·帕喬裡 在星球課堂網絡上. 本片由保護我們的星球運動和星球課堂策劃.

Net Zero Speaks with Dr. 阿什·帕喬裡, produced by Sergio Castaneda, Co-founder and Senior Mentor of the POP Movement, 博士. Pachauri, discusses how small, individual actions can collectively create significant climate impact.

The episode explores his new books on sustainability and the innovative projects led by the POP Movement. Empowering youth and promoting practical climate solutions are central to this insightful conversation, hosted by Ivan Ransom.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome back Ivan Ransom.

Ivanwhy did you decide to interview Dr. 阿什·帕喬裡?

He is the person that I admire the most. When this opportunity came I was so thrilled! He is a brilliant professional, proficient author, and internationally recognized climate activist. But beyond his professional life, he has such a kind heart and fierce spirit.


I think discovering that Dr. Ash had traveled to all the states in Mexico to raise climate awareness. I’m Mexican, and not even myself have done so. He has a true commitment to making a change and building a solid community-based movement, without leaving anyone behind.

What are the three main takeaways for the Net Zero audience from your interview

第一 – Everyone can have a positive impact on the environment, that we all have the power.

第二 – Community-based solutions are the ones that will be able to sustain over time, so promote them as much as possible.

第三 – Read Dr. Ash’s books and prepare yourself to make a positive impact!

謝謝, Ivan!

ç. M. Rubin and Ivan Ransom

不要錯過 Net Zero Speaks with Dr Ash Pachauri, 現已在星球課堂網路上直播. 本片由保護我們的星球運動和星球課堂策劃.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓



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