Η Σφαιρική Αναζήτηση για Εκπαίδευση: Climate Activist Ivan Ransom Interviews Nancy Colleton

Αυτο το μηνα, το κοινό μπορεί να προβάλει Το Net Zero μιλάει με τη Nancy Colleton on the Planet Classroom Network. This film is curated by the Protect Our Planet Movement and Planet Classroom.

In this highly anticipated episode in the Net Zero series, esteemed environmentalist Nancy Colleton teams up with youth climate activist Ivan Ransom to engage in a thought-provoking discussion on harnessing earth observation resources to combat the climate crisis.

Ransom explores with Colleton the practical applications of these resources in the private sector, showcasing real-life examples that highlight their potential in driving sustainable solutions. Επιπλέον, Colleton shares invaluable insights on effectively communicating with diverse stakeholders, a vital skill in catalysing collective action.

Η Σφαιρική Αναζήτηση για Εκπαίδευση is pleased to welcome Ivan Ransom

Why did you decide to interview NancyWhat inspired you about her?

As a scientist myself, I’ve always admired those who make our work more accessible for the general public. But Ms. Colleton is way more than that. Her brilliant job in environmental communication has been instrumental for effective decision making, transforming the future of our society.

What surprised you most about your interview?

κυρία. Colleton’s kindness. Besides being a brilliant professional she is also a wonderful person that actually cares about others. Other than that, the way in which countries collaborate to develop a robust environmental database will be key for risk mitigation and to adapt to the changing climate.

Ποια είναι τα δικά σας 3 main takeaways for the Net Zero audience

Πρώτα, I really liked the great online tools she shared with us, such as BreezoMeter.

Δεύτερος, we learn from Nancy that It doesn’t matter how good Science is; if it’s not properly communicated it won’t contribute much to our society.

Τελικά, I enjoyed hearing Nancy’s philosophy: Believe, Belong and Buckle Up.

Thank you Ivan!

Ο.Μ.. Rubin and Ivan Ransom

Μην χάσετε Net Zero Speaks With Nancy Colleton, now streaming on the Planet Classroom Network. This film is curated by the Protect Our Planet Movement and Planet Classroom.

Συγγραφέας: C. M. Rubin

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