全球搜索教育: 气候活动家杰罗姆·佩雷特采访气候领袖阿德里安·费尔南德斯

What progress has Mexico made in achieving its climate goals?  

这个月, 观众可以放映 Net Zero Speaks with Adrián FernándezThis film is curated for the Planet Classroom Network by Protect Our Planet and Planet Classroom

In this new release in the Net Zero Series, Climate Activist Jerôme Peyret Oberholzer interviews Adrián Fernández, Director of Iniciativa Climática de México who has worked for more than 30 years on climate change and environmental policy issues in Mexico. Fernández is a leading expert in the areas of air pollution, environmental health, and toxic substances. He was the founder and CEO of Mexico Climate Initiative, a non-profit foundation that promotes climate change mitigation efforts.

What are the most important climate lessons Mexico has learned in the past 30 years about the environment and what must it do to achieve her Net Zero goal? Jerôme Peyret Oberholzer gets answers.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Climate Activist Jerôme Peyret Oberholzer.

Jerome, why did you select this particular climate thought leader to interview?  

I chose this leader because the climate initiatives that he has been involved with are just absolutely awesome. I didn’t know Dr. Adrian before the interview but I was so glad that I got the opportunity to interview him.


很好, at first I thought that the interview was going to be short. However, all the answers that he gave to me were so well explained that it lasted much longer and that’s something I really liked.

有哪些 3 净零观众从您的采访中得到的主要收获? 

I think that one takeaway is that when you want to achieve something, you need to be patient, and you need to be willing to put in a lot of dedication and time.

Another takeaway is that you can know a lot of things and with that you can have success. However, when you listen to other people’s opinions and discover what they know, you are going to learn more and this will help you succeed even more in what you want or do.

I think my final takeaway would be to help the environment. If everyone can develop good, healthy habits, our environment will get better.

Thank you Jerome!

C.M. Rubin and Jerôme Peyret Oberholzer

不要错过 Net Zero Speaks with Adrián Fernández, 现在在 Planet Classroom Network 上放映.  This film is curated for the Planet Classroom Network by Protect Our Planet and Planet Classroom.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
