全球搜索教育: 導演納喬·羅斯·貝納爾探索孤獨, 在沒有地圖的情況下放棄和恢復

這個月的觀眾可以放映 沒有地圖 by Director Nacho Ros Bernal on the Planet Classroom Network.

The story is focused on a teenager, Rebeca. Once upon a time, Rebeca was happy but one day, just like Alice in Wonderland, she falls into a strange world. Without any way to navigate her new labyrinth, how will Rebeca overcome new challenges and find her way back?

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Nacho Ros Bernal.

Your film starts with the lead character being introduced to 愛麗絲夢遊仙境. What inspired you to choose Alice

的故事 愛麗絲夢遊仙境 is a tale that speaks about adolescence and those worlds that are unknown to us in which we have lost ourselves. 我突然想到一個患有後天性腦損傷的人的家人進入了一個類似的迷失方向的世界, 正如許多青少年所做的那樣.

你覺得你電影中的角色和電影中的角色有什麼相似之處? 愛麗絲 故事? 

麗貝卡, 主角, 以愛麗絲的身份進入一個陌生的世界. 她媽媽長得像貓, 因工作原因出現和消失的人, 也是在和女兒一起讀故事的時候. 父親總是知道時鐘,並通過時間衡量一切, so he also lives in a kind of stress. Elena, the teacher, resembles Alice’s sister who brings her back to reality. There’s also another teacher, the smoking caterpillar that undergoes a transformation, and the queen, in this case the teacher who says something likecut off his headbut within the classroom situation.

How would you describe your creative process in producing this storyDid you have a clear vision at the beginning in terms of what you wanted to do?  一路上有沒有發現甚至驚喜?  

故事開始於我第一次聽到 Marketa Irglova 的歌曲“Without a Map”。

後, 故事發展, 所以我寫了它並開始製作故事板.

前期製作中, 我被學生包圍. 有些沒有達到我想要捕捉的效果,這是一個艱難的前期製作, 但最終我們設法讓事情繼續下去. It’s very important to surround yourself with a good team of people and professionals because they are going to help you to fulfill your dream of filming your story. 最後, a team becomes a little family.

How would you describe the most important lessons you learned from the process?

It’s possible to recreate what you imagined, it’s possible to make a pact with your dreams and your work, but there’s always a price to pay. You must think if what you gain is more important than what you will lose along the way.


我們中的許多人在某個時候感到孤獨或被遺棄. 這個故事試圖告訴我們,最終, 雖然一切似乎不同, 我們並不孤單, 生活, 儘管它很堅硬,有時它看起來像一個沒有出路的迷宮 (就像愛麗絲的故事), 生活是美好的. 故事邀請年輕人欣賞美, 生命的禮物和挑戰, 永遠與愛我們的人相伴而行, 以及老師的重要性. 有一個短片的二讀, 正是這個故事讓我們相信 … 相信! … 我們在這個世界上並不孤單, 有一個上帝, 普羅維登斯, 一隻愛的手或任何我們想稱呼它的東西, 誰關心我們愛我們. 就像那風在適當的時候吹來拖著女兒, 就像我們在最意想不到的時候遇到的那個人.


Nacho Ros Bernal and C.M. 魯賓

不要錯過 沒有地圖 導演納喬·羅斯·貝納爾, 現在在 Planet Classroom Network 上放映.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
