全球搜索教育: 电影制片人 Eshaan Mani 讨论《探索者》

这个月, 观众可以放映 The Seeker 在星球课堂网络上. 本片由 Kids FIRST 策划! 电影节.

The Seeker, 埃沙安·马尼 导演, tells the inspiring story of Preeti, a woman from Bihar, 印度, who embarks on a courageous journey to learn English after 35 years of self-doubt and suppression.

Battling cultural expectations and an ingrained inferiority complex, Preeti’s determination, supported by her cousin, leads her to blend her new language skills with her passion for yoga. The Seeker offers a powerful narrative of resilience, cultural empowerment, and personal transformation.

What inspired you to tell Preeti’s story, and how did you come across her journey?

I first heard about Preeti at dinner with one of my good friends, Sid. Sid’s mom, who I call Shipra Auntie, knew about my interest in filmmaking, and she suggested that I interview her cousin—you guessed it—Preeti. She told me about Preeti’s long journey learning English and how close she was to her from a young age.

I included Shipra Auntie in the film as well, so you get some glimpses of the description I was given by her of the resilient, determined Preeti. A huge thanks to Shipra Auntie—without her guidance, I would never have found out about Preeti’s incredible story.

How did you balance your multiple roles as director, screenwriter, and cinematographer on this project?

As I was away from home, I essentially ran solo on this project, which was an adjustment from my usual setup of having three peers from my film class on set. I had to write my own questions, figure out the frames I wanted, “主办” the interview, and seek out b-roll. The hardest part was probably some of the framing, as our hotel room lighting was iffy at times. Massive thanks to my parents for helping me out with our jury-rigged tripod!

What message or impact do you hope The Seeker will have on audiences, especially those facing similar struggles?

Agar kisi cheez ko dil se chaho, toh puri kainaat usse tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai.

“If you want something deeply, from your heart, then the entire universe, all of creation, conspires to bring you and your wish together.”

This is a Hindi film dialogue by perhaps the biggest Bollywood star of all time, Shah Rukh Khan, and a sentence that I feel encapsulates the message of this film and Preeti’s story. It was Preeti’s dream for the longest time to learn English. She faced severe underconfidence due to her Hindi-medium education, and she saw English as the best way to achieve success. The fire in her heart, combined with her hard work and some celestial magic, brought her to her goal at age 35.

You too can achieve what you aspire to. Nothing is impossible. Reach as high as possible, and the universe will guide the object of your desire—or something even better—into your palm.

Could you share any behind-the-scenes moments that significantly shaped the final outcome of the film?

I landed in Mumbai about two days before the shoot. That day, I got a call from Preeti, who was having second thoughts about sharing her story, partly because she felt she hadn’t accomplished very much at all! Can you believe it?

She was just starting a new job at the oldest yoga institute in India and felt that, with some time, her English (which was near-perfect, 顺便说说) would become good enough to show off. We spoke on the phone for some time, and I convinced her that learning a new language was an incredible feat and that her story absolutely had to be heard.

She was still a little unsure, but through our one-hour interview, she slowly opened up and went into detail about her journey. As she let her guard down, she shared some really special anecdotes, which I’ve included in the film. It wasn’t always the most comfortable for her, but I will always be grateful for the time and effort she took to share her story with me.

I think it was this behind-the-scenes interaction that really added something special to The Seeker, and it makes me smile when I think back on it. It is moments like those I had with Preeti that show how the stories of everyday people hold power. To unlock that power, sometimes a bit of compassion—not just empathy—is required. 这 “curious compassionhas become a fundamental part of both my storytelling and my life.

Thank you Eshaan!

C.M. 鲁宾与埃莎安·玛尼

不要错过 The Seeker, 现已在星球课堂网络上直播. 本片由 Kids FIRST 策划! Film Festival for Planet Classroom..

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾



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