تعلیم کے لئے گلوبل تلاش: پروفیشنلز کی تلاش میں – سنگاپور

“سنگاپور کا تعلیمی نظام قوم کے لیے اپنے مقصد کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے اعلیٰ معیار کے تدریسی پیشے پر انحصار کرتا ہے۔” — ڈاکٹر. PAK NG

حصہ 3 کے “پروفیشنلز کی تلاش میں”

ان کی نئی کتاب میں, پروفیشنل کیپٹل: ہر اسکول میں درس و تدریس کو تبدیل کرنا, اینڈی ہارگریوز اور مائیکل فلن ہمیں یاد دلاتے ہیں کہ سیکھنے کا مستقبل تدریس کے مستقبل پر منحصر ہے۔. Speaking out against education policies that result in a teaching force that is inexperienced, underpaid and exhausted, Hargreaves and Fullan set out a new agenda to transform the future of teaching and public education.

Singapore is recognized globally as a high performing education system with professional practices that could be adopted by other education systems seeking to improve the capabilities of their principals, teachers and overall leadership. سنگاپور کے طلباء نے اس اسکول میں بہت اچھی کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کیا 2009 بین الاقوامی طالب علم کی تشخیص کے لئے پروگرام (پیسا). سے باہر 65 countries that took part in these tests, Singapore students ranked fifth in reading, second in mathematics and fourth in science. Singapore also had the second highest proportion (12.3%) of students who are top-level performers in all three domains.

How does Singapore view the importance of a world-class teaching profession? How has its government responded? What progress has been made to date? What are Singapore’s next steps to advance the teaching profession in the 21st century?

حصہ میں آج 3 کے “تعلیم کے لئے گلوبل تلاش: پروفیشنلز کی تلاش میں – سنگاپور,” we are honored to share the insights of Dr. PAK NG – Associate Dean, قیادت سیکھنا, گریجویٹ مطالعہ اور پروفیشنل لرننگ کے دفتر, اور سر اور ایسوسی ایٹ پروفیسر, پالیسی اور قیادت اسٹڈیز تعلیمی گروپ, قومی تعلیمی ادارے میں, Nanyang ٹیکنالوجی یونیورسٹی, سنگاپور کے جمہوریہ.

We emphasize values very strongly because they are the beacons by which educators can navigate the seas of change.” — ڈاکٹر. PAK NG

What are your views on the importance of teaching quality and the importance of a world-class teaching profession to a successful education system for your nation?

The Singapore education system relies on a high quality teaching profession to achieve its aim for the nation. While it is important for the government to formulate good education polices, the success of these polices relies on the implementation by the teaching professionals in the schools. Policies are important for they point the direction and provide the support for change. But the substance of change is dependent on the teachers and school leaders in our schools. One of my main roles is to develop school leaders in Singapore. I often say to the school leaders, “students do not experience policies. They experience teachers.” لہذا, our school leaders need to nurture teachers. Singapore takes teaching quality and the development of a professional cadre of teachers very seriously.

What decisions and actions did your government take with respect to building teaching quality and the teaching profession, اور کب?

سنگاپور میں, teachers are hired by the Ministry of Education and deployed to schools after their teacher preparation programme at the National Institute of Education (NO). Some 80% of Singapore’s 31,000 teachers today are graduates, a significant increase from 55% slightly more than a decade ago. The government intends to move towards all-graduate teacher recruitment by 2015 and seeks to recruit only from the top one-third of every cohort of students. Our teaching force is set to expand to 33,000 کی طرف سے 2015 and the government has put in place supporting structures to encourage teachers to acquire post-graduate degrees. We hope to enhance our teaching force, both in terms of numbers and quality.

NIE’s teacher preparation premises itself strongly on a set of values (V), کی مہارت (S) and knowledge (K), encapsulated in a model called the V3SK framework. This framework represents the underpinning philosophy of teacher development in NIE for the Singapore teacher. خاص طور میں, our set of values is premised on 3 paradigms: learner-centeredness, teacher identity, and service to the profession and the community. We emphasize values very strongly because they are the beacons by which educators can navigate the seas of change without losing their soul or direction.

The government has also put in place many professional development opportunities for the teachers, including a Structured Mentoring Programme for beginning teachers, the Professional Development Continual Model for in-service teachers to pursue higher degrees in a flexible way, in-service programmes for various disciplines, and fully sponsored career milestone programmes for school leadership development (مثلا. Leaders in Education Programme (LEP) for school principal-ship development and the Management and Leadership in Schools (MLS) programme for school middle leadership development).

Beyond stringent recruitment, enhanced career paths and better pay packages, it is the passion, commitment and professional ethos of our teachers that will enhance the quality of our education system.” — ڈاکٹر. PAK NG

How do you assess your progress to date?

The Singapore education system has gone through different phases. We have made significant progress over the years. Some 30 سال پہلے, teachers taught according to standard textbooks provided by the ministry. آج, teachers are expected to tailor education to suit their students and find breakthroughs in education practices, including curriculum, درس, and assessment. Teachers now have enhanced career paths and remuneration, and teaching is a respectable profession in the country.

لیکن, we still have a lot of room for improvement. What worked in the past may not work for the future. لہذا, at this stage of our national development, our challenge is to develop our teachers so that they are able to review for themselves the “کیوں, what and howof teaching. We are trying to shift the focus of our education from quantity to quality. Beyond stringent recruitment, enhanced career paths and better pay packages, it is the passion, commitment and professional ethos of our teachers that will enhance the quality of our education system. تو, our teachers need to continuously hone their teaching craft and deepen their content mastery. We are currently encouraging our teachers to participate actively in professional learning communities, engage in reflective practice, and undertake action research. This is still work in progress and is a long continuous journey.

What tangible benefits have you seen?

Many policy makers, school leaders and academics have visited Singapore and they told me that they were doing so because Singapore had very good PISA and TIMSS (انٹرنیشنل ریاضی اور سائنس کے مطالعہ کے رجحانات) results and they wanted to study the reasons for these results. I suppose results can be considered tangible benefits associated with a quality teaching force. تاہم, in some ways more importantly, a quality teaching force, trusted by the people, is a critical asset to the nation. Schools are generally seen as a safe environment for students to study and develop themselves. درحقیقت, Singapore is too small to afford failing schools or schools where safety and security are big question marks. لہذا, schools provide a stable platform for values inculcation and national education. Because parents in general trust schools and the teachers, we have a basis on which different stakeholders can work together to improve educational outcomes for the students. Because different stakeholders have different viewpoints and expectations, working together is never a simple or clinical process, even though it is critical for the good of the students. لہذا, it is important to have a credible teaching profession that has the trust of the nation!

A quality teaching force, trusted by the people, is a critical asset to the nation.” — ڈاکٹر. PAK NG

What additional steps or changes do you believe should be made or are you making in order to further advance the quality of teachers and the teaching profession going forward?

Singapore has a strong and robust education system, عام طور پر بول. It is a system recognized by many for its high level of student achievements. تاہم, we have to prepare our students for the future, not the past or the present. This may require fundamental educational reforms. We need teachers who can drive such change from within, rather than rely on central directions. Fundamental education reform requires schools to move beyond pre-specified performance indicators. دوسری صورت, we may end up reinforcing the current system, which is adequate for now, but inadequate for the future. We need teachers and school leaders who can think about the future and scan the horizon for change, and yet keep connected to the present and work faithfully on the ground. ایسا کرنے کے لئے, we need to emphasize critical reflection for the teachers and school leaders, and empower them to challenge existing thinking and practices in their own schools. Looking for a fixed recipe of reform implementation in all schools will not work. Allowing more degrees of freedom at the local level will bring out the best in a mutually dependent and dynamic relationship between the ministry that sets the central direction and the educators who work on the ground. Instead of relying on top down directions, schools draw upon the expertise of the professional teaching community to search for solutions to issues that are close to their hearts. As practitioners explore ideas, implement them and make adjustments as they go along, the quality of the teaching profession is enhanced through the cycles of empowered practice and critical reflection. Change is also more organic within the schools. Our education system has begun to move in this direction, but this is a long process and we are doing it in a patient, calibrated manner. This process may actually increase the tension within the system because the system is no longer so neat and orderly. لیکن, as long as we have dedicated and reflective teachers, we will be able to bring positive change out of the tension.

ڈاکٹر. پاک ٹی نگ اور C. M. روبن

ڈاکٹر کی تصاویر سوپیی. PAK NG

For more articles in the In Search of Professionals series: In Search of Professionals part 1, In Search of Professionals part 2

GSE علامت (لوگو) RylBlu

تعلیم کے لئے عالمی تلاش میں, سر مائیکل باربر سمیت میرے ساتھ اور عالمی سطح پر معروف فکری رہنماؤں (برطانیہ), ڈاکٹر. مائیکل بلاک (امریکہ), ڈاکٹر. لیون Botstein (امریکہ), پروفیسر مٹی Christensen کے (امریکہ), ڈاکٹر. لنڈا ڈارلنگ-ہیمنڈ (امریکہ), ڈاکٹر. مادھو چوہان (بھارت), پروفیسر مائیکل Fullan (کینیڈا), پروفیسر ہاورڈ گارڈنر (امریکہ), پروفیسر کریں Yvonne ہلمین (نیدرلینڈ), پروفیسر کرسٹن Helstad (ناروے), جین Hendrickson نے (امریکہ), پروفیسر گلاب Hipkins (نیوزی لینڈ), پروفیسر Cornelia Hoogland (کینیڈا), مسز. چینٹل کوفمین (بیلجیم), ڈاکٹر. Eija Kauppinen (فن لینڈ), سٹیٹ سیکرٹری Tapio Kosunen (فن لینڈ), پروفیسر ڈومینک Lafontaine (بیلجیم), پروفیسر ہیو Lauder (برطانیہ), پروفیسر بین لیون (کینیڈا), پروفیسر بیری McGaw (آسٹریلیا), شیو ندار (بھارت), پروفیسر R. نٹراجن (بھارت), ڈاکٹر. ڈینس پوپ (امریکہ), شریدر رازگوپالن (بھارت), ڈاکٹر. ڈیانے Ravitch (امریکہ), سر کین رابنسن (برطانیہ), پروفیسر Pasi Sahlberg (فن لینڈ), Andreas کی Schleicher (پیسا, او ای سی ڈی), ڈاکٹر. انتھونی Seldon نے (برطانیہ), ڈاکٹر. ڈیوڈ Shaffer کے (امریکہ), ڈاکٹر. کرسٹن عمیق کر رہے ہیں (ناروے), چانسلر اسٹیفن Spahn (امریکہ), ایوز Theze (اسکول Français کی امریکی), پروفیسر چارلس Ungerleider (کینیڈا), پروفیسر ٹونی ویگنر (امریکہ), سر ڈیوڈ واٹسن (برطانیہ), پروفیسر Dylan کے Wiliam (برطانیہ), ڈاکٹر. مارک Wormald (برطانیہ), پروفیسر تیو Wubbels (نیدرلینڈ), پروفیسر مائیکل نوجوان (برطانیہ), اور پروفیسر Minxuan جانگ (چین) وہ تمام اقوام کو آج سامنا ہے کہ بڑی تصویر تعلیم سوالات دریافت کے طور پر. تعلیم کمیونٹی پیج کے لئے گلوبل تلاش

C. M. روبن وہ ایک موصول ہوئی ہے جس کے لئے دو بڑے پیمانے پر پڑھا سیریز کے مصنف ہے 2011 میں Upton سنکلیئر ایوارڈ, “تعلیم کے لئے گلوبل تلاش” اور “کس طرح پڑھیں گے?” انہوں نے تین bestselling کتابوں کے مصنف ہیں, سمیت Wonderland میں یلس اصلی.

C پر عمل کریں. M. ٹویٹر پر روبن: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld

مصنف: C. M. روبن

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