全球搜索教育: Neha Gautam 在新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情中講述的溫馨友誼故事

這個月, 觀眾可以放映 沒有新朋友 在星球課堂網絡上. 該影片由 KIDS FIRST 為 Planet Classroom Network 策劃! 電影節.

沒有新朋友, directed by Neha Gautam, is a heartwarming story set during the COVID-19 pandemic. It follows a four-year-old boy in New York City who struggles to make friends but finds a connection with a girl across the street, capturing the innocence and resilience of childhood during challenging times.

全球搜索教育 很高興歡迎 尼哈·高塔姆.

Neha, what inspired you to create a film about childhood friendship during the COVID-19 pandemic?

As someone living in the city, I noticed many people had the luxury of leaving to another place outside the city. The city changed drastically. I am an educator and I felt for the children the most. I saw how much it affected their ability to socialize and felt sympathetic for them and thought of how they must cope.

此外, there were restrictions to shooting during COVID. This was partly because there were restrictions at that time with how many people you could have on set and in the same space and also having an easier time with safety protocols if you cast people who were in a pod or related, which I did.

How did you work with the child actors and their real-life mothers to bring authenticity to their performances?

I had to keep reminding them not to act and just be in the moment. I spent a lot of time playing with Timmy, my lead, and gaining his trust but also just letting him be himself.

Can you share any challenges you faced while filming during the pandemic and how you overcame them?

I was almost not approved to shoot by my film school because another film crew contracted COVID while shooting. We had to be super careful, get everyone tested, and have the least amount of people possible on set.

And my final question is what message do you hope audiences take away from 沒有新朋友?

Children exist in worlds that we can’t fathom. I believe they adapt and cope, and dreaming and imagination can help them cope. I also think we should be sympathetic to their experiences and give them room to play and imagine. We can learn a lot from them.

Thank you Neha!

C.M. Rubin with Neha Gautam

不要錯過 沒有新朋友, 現已在星球課堂網路上直播, 策劃者 兒童第一! 電影節.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
