全球搜索教育: Patricia Seely——用西班牙语在“请”中搭建文化桥梁

This month on Planet Classroom audiences can screen Please In Spanish, directed by Patricia Seely. This poignant short film captures the cultural gap between Diane, a Californian teen, and her mother’s Dominican friends. With the help of her neighbor Ángel, Diane navigates language barriers and cultural identity, highlighting the cost of conformity and the longing to belong. This film is curated for Planet Classroom by Kids FIRST! 电影节.

Featuring a mesmerizing blend of heartfelt storytelling and cultural exploration, Please In Spanish reflects the essence of connection and offers a profound reflection on minority experiences.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Patricia Seely, an acclaimed multimedia director, 作家, and producer, 和 2022 Fellow of the WIF x Google Shorts Lab.

Patricia, Please In Spanish explores cultural identity and generational pressure through Diane’s story. What inspired you to take such a personal and nuanced approach to this subject matter?

Growing up, I often felt a disconnect between my American upbringing and my Dominican heritage. My mom, a first-generation immigrant, was focused on assimilating into American culture, so Spanish wasn’t really spoken at home. This led to a sense of distance from my roots and ultimately inspired me to explore the complexities of cultural identity. I wanted to create a film that celebrates the beauty of diversity and encourages people to embrace their heritage, no matter how distant it may seem.

The film touches on the complexities of language, 身分, 和连接. What creative strategies did you use to ensure these themes were authentic and relatable to a wide audience?

To ensure authenticity and relatability, I drew heavily on my own experiences growing up as a Dominican-American. This allowed me to create characters and situations that resonate with audiences who may have similar experiences.
I also collaborated with talented artists to elevate the film’s emotional impact. The Dominican composer Josean Jacobo crafted a score that celebrates Dominican culture, while cinematographer Veronica Bouza used her artistry to visually convey the emotional depth of Diane’s journey. By blending personal storytelling with cinematic techniques, I aimed to create a film that is both authentic and universally appealing.

As a filmmaker with experience in diverse formats—from short films to multimedia projects—how did your background influence the storytelling choices you made in Please In Spanish, particularly in depicting Diane’s relationship with her cultural heritage?

作为电影人, I’ve always been drawn to stories that explore the human experience. Please In Spanish is a personal reflection on navigating cultural identity. I wanted to capture the complexities of living between two different cultures, and I think Diane’s journey resonates with many people who have similar experiences. By sharing my own story, I hope to inspire others to embrace their heritage and find their unique path.

The film’s themes resonate deeply with minority and immigrant communities. What conversations do you hope your story sparks, particularly regarding the intersection of cultural preservation and assimilation?

我希望 Please In Spanish resonates with audiences who have navigated cultural identity challenges. Diane’s journey reflects the struggles many young people face in finding their voice, connecting with their roots, and ultimately finding a sense of belonging. By sharing my story, I aim to inspire understanding, 同情, 和连接, while encouraging others to celebrate their unique cultural heritage.

Thank You, Patricia!

ç. M. Rubin with Patricia Seely

不要错过 Please In Spanish, 现已在星球课堂网络上直播. 这部电影由 KIDS FIRST 策划! 星球课堂电影节.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾



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