Das Haus des Tipis: Ein neuer Ort zum Lernen

Durch: Alex Silverman

Rosie Robinson provides us with an inside look at a small cafe, Das Haus des Tipis. But this is no ordinary cafe; it is also a learning hub that is growing a larger community.

The Tipi Cafe is located in Da Nang, Vietnam, a city that is growing fast. But what makes this cafe stand out is the community it is raising. The Tipi Cafe also serves as a base for collaborative, conversation-based English learning. In this short, we get firsthand accounts of students who have been able to learn English through the camaraderie, Beziehungsaufbau, and all-around good times at the Tipi Cafe. It’s a great look into an unconventional method of learning.

Ich gebe diesen Film 4 von 5 Sterne.

Alex is a graduate from Columbia College Chicago with a major in Comedic Writing & Performance und Nebenfach Schreiben für das Fernsehen. Neben seiner Arbeit als Teil des Planet Classroom Network Film Selection Teams bei CMRubinWorld, er war Praktikant als Screening-Panelist für das International Children's Media Center, ein Sketch-Autor, und Produktionsassistent am Set bei den 61. Annual Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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