

您對海洋清理了解多少? 是 Tiffani Stitz 拍攝的一部關於海洋清理的資訊短片. 海洋清理組織是一家總部位於荷蘭的非營利環境工程組織,旨在透過以下方式減少海洋中的塑膠數量: 90% 由 2040. 您對海洋清理了解多少? 解釋了這些目標, 組織的測試和開發, and the successful deployment of their multilevel trawl.The video is straightforward and effective. The voiceover is nice, though I wish every line had been read aloud, as some are left unspoken. The sudden break in the audio comes across as a little awkward. The visuals could also have expanded on the commentary more than they did. We only see photos of whatever the commentary is discussing some of the time, missing opportunities like showing us the face of The Ocean Cleanup’s founder. 然而, these problems are minimal. 您對海洋清理了解多少? is a simple introduction to an important organization that people should be aware of and supporting. I give the film four out of five stars.

艾薇兒是薩凡納藝術與設計學院寫作專業的大四學生. 她的目標是有一天以出版她的作品為職業.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
