
By Gabby Stagnone

Fox Tails, 插曲 1: 夏天的晚上, 由塞巴斯蒂安·洛執導, 是一部可愛又古靈精怪的青春動畫短片. It utilizes simple diction and funny characters to make the process of learning fun and easy.

When I say funny, 我的意思是這個角色的一些俏皮話實際上讓我發笑. 法律在塑造一些角色方面做得非常出色’ wit that would make an adult laugh while still maintaining age-appropriate content.

The topics covered seem to be ones that parents face daily with their children, so in conjunction with the simplicity of the storyline, this show hits a home run for children’s animation. The animation itself reminds me of a coloring book, which I think is adorable.

我給這部電影 4 出 5 星星。

Gabby Stagnone is a senior at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and is majoring in communications with a public relations focus.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
