

閃耀 is a short-film that relays the ideas and propositions of many young people for calibrating their lifestyle to a post-pandemic world. Producer Jake Mascolo manages to weave together a collection of deeply moving and inspiring messages in a way that contributes to a greater theme.

Lockdowns and remote life certainly had an impact on the lives of millions of young people, yet through the 閃耀 工程, it becomes clear that no hope has been lost in the process. Evident amongst each person’s testimony is the vision of a better future, not a worse one. By spreading love through art and dialogue, that future can be fostered directly within the hands of the youth today.

Jake Mascolo should be applauded for his ability to cultivate these ideas and display them in a way that is deeply enriching and inspiring. 該 閃耀 工程, facilitated by Planet Classroom and Creative Visions, is a wonderful step in the right direction for our future.

我很高興給這部電影打分 5 出 5 星星.

Tanner Sell 是賓夕法尼亞州立大學的一名學生,主修電信和媒體行業,重點關注當前和未來技術問題的道德解決方案. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的通信實習生,對音樂和視頻製作感興趣, 哲學, 和社會學.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
