番茄唱片: 在饒舌場景中釋放內心的自信


In the underground music scene, Hector Dravid (who goes by Yung Elder the Rapper) is in a slump after his latest album flopped. To make matters worse, he fears his life is in danger as a country singer/assassin is out to get him. It isn’t until he meets a freelance secret agent who tells him to get over his paranoia that he can live peacefully again.

The Bomar Brothers, Dean Lee Bomar and Grant Lee Bomar, have been making films since the ages of 10 和 8. Grant has matured as a director through a series of unique indie projects supported by Dean’s imaginative cinematography. 番茄唱片 is directed by Grant and co-written by both Dean and Grant. The film has a surreal and fantastical feel to it, overall resulting in an imaginative piece about finding inner confidence and identity.

我給這部電影 3 出 5 星星.

亞歷克斯畢業於芝加哥哥倫比亞學院,主修喜劇寫作 & 表演並輔修電視寫作. 除了是 CMRubinWorld 星球課堂網路電影選拔團隊的一員之外, 他是一位素描作家, 並在紐約市追求演藝事業.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
