Por Emily Brooks
One Story at a Time, directed by Nathan Legger, is a heartwarming short film following Mehdi El Gahly and Jawad Elbeid in Amizmiz, Marruecos, as they pass down oral storytelling, preserving historic tales dating back over 1000 años.
The film provides an immersive experience. Oddly, I found myself relating to the stories, reflecting on my own traditions. Recognizing the significance of keeping this tradition alive, I wanted to delve deeper into the fascinating tales and their ancient roots after the film concluded. The documentary skillfully captures the community and spirit, portraying the joy these stories bring to students and the connecting power of storytelling.
The narrative emphasizes how these stories, beyond mere recollection, profoundly impact the younger generation, underscoring the importance of not forgetting them. This film made me cherish the stories I was told as a kid and have a new perspective on the value of storytelling as a whole. I would give it a 5 fuera de 5 estrellas.
Emily Brooks se graduó recientemente de Moraine Park Technical College, donde obtuvo un AAS en Comunicaciones Gráficas, así como Desarrollo y Diseño Web, y se graduó con altos honores como miembro de la Sociedad de Honor Phi Theta Kappa..
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