改变生活: 基帕瓦展示了坦桑尼亚青年的赋权


一个礼物 is an inspiring film directed by Elizabeth Hansen that documents TYLEV—Tanzania Young Leaders Empowering Vijana. The organization is working to improve the lives of young men and women in Tanzanian society. The film also showcases one of the mentors, Isiaka, a young man who has persevered through grief and loss by being involved in TYLEV.

The film reveals the transformative power TYLEV has in the lives of the youth in the program. The program helps foster participantspotential by providing skill building, mentorship, and facilitating a space for the youth to develop skills that can help improve their community.

The film engages the viewer with raw footage and interviews that give an in-depth view into the life of Tanzanian youth as well as what the TYLEV organization has to offer its community. It is an excellent documentary well worth watching.

我给这部电影 4 出 5 星星.

Nikita Harris 是休斯顿大学战略传播专业的学生,​​主修企业传播. 她是 CMRubinWorld 的通讯实习生,对艺术和写作感兴趣.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
