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Írta: Zachary Klein

Lawson Poklacki Del Castillo and Nicole Shara’s film, Saving Food to Save Lives, is a tight yet informative piece of documentary filmmaking. Following the tech startup known as Nilus, an app developer that helps reduce waste by sourcing uneaten food directly to underserved and famished areas, the film deftly explores the complexities of such an organization with language that is nuanced yet understandable to laymen such as myself. With interviews from the founders of the organization and a myriad of sources that demonstrate why Nilus is successful, Saving Food to Save Lives is a short that works to aid in a great cause while being a great film unto itself.

Adom ezt a filmet 4.5/5 csillagok.

Zachary Klein feltörekvő junior a DePaul Egyetemen, a filmes BFA megszerzésén dolgozik & Televíziós gyártás. Emellett rendszeresen írnak egyetemük The DePaulia című újságjába, és független filmesként dolgoznak. Általában a Criterion Channel-en azt nézik, ami ebben a hónapban meghaladta az érdeklődésüket.

Szerző: C. M. Rubin

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