
By Zachary Klein

Lawson Poklacki Del Castillo and Nicole Shara’s film, 节约粮食以拯救生命, 是一部紧凑而信息丰富的纪录片制作作品. 追随名为 Nilus 的科技初创公司, 一家应用程序开发商,通过将未吃完的食物​​直接采购到服务不足和饥饿的地区来帮助减少浪费, the film deftly explores the complexities of such an organization with language that is nuanced yet understandable to laymen such as myself. With interviews from the founders of the organization and a myriad of sources that demonstrate why Nilus is successful, 节约粮食以拯救生命 is a short that works to aid in a great cause while being a great film unto itself.

我给这部电影 4.5/5 星星.

Zachary Klein is a rising junior at DePaul University, working towards a BFA in Film & Television Production. They also write regularly for their university’s newspaper The DePaulia and work as an independent filmmaker. They can usually be found watching whatever peaks their interest on the Criterion Channel this month.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
