
バーチャルリアリティは、通常の状況ではアクセスできない体験を提供することで、障害を持つ人々の生活を変える可能性を秘めています。. 現実を持って歩く エヴァン・ガッダに続くドキュメンタリーです, ネバダ大学のミュージカル劇場専攻, リノ.

車椅子利用者および喘息に苦しむ人として, attending an event like Burning Man in the desert would prove to be nearly impossible for Gadda. Thanks to the team at One Digital Media, his dream to walk and run on his feet “metaphorically” was fulfilled. Gadda was able to experience the festival in a virtual setting, and this had a profound impact.

Gadda voiced his support of visiting new places via virtual reality, and vouched for his life-changing experience by saying “I think VR is not just for me, it’s for every handicapped person.”

The short film is beautifully shot, with the opening scenes allowing the viewer to get a glimpse into Gadda’s life on campus as an aspiring actor. The film also perfectly captured Gadda’s raw emotion when given the opportunity to ski down Lake Tahoe after not being able to do so for many years.

現実を持って歩く is directed by Michelle Rebaleati, a production manager and former multimedia production specialist at the University Gadda attends. Rebaleati specializes in utilizing VR for preservation purposes, and has given multiple TED Talks on emerging virtual reality technologies.

This is a must-see film for anyone interested in pursuing a career in production or design for virtual/augmented reality. VR is a rapidly growing industry that needs innovative thinkers to come up with creative ideas. According to Dr. Eelke Folmer, an associate professor of human computer interaction, “It really depends on people for this field to move forward…to have people that can dream of applications that don’t exist right now.”

I would give this film a 4.5 の中から 5 出演者. The video was very educational as well as inspiring to watch. Though there were a few clips of Burning Man, I would have loved to see more of what Gadda was seeing.

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Ashlyn is a journalism student at Western Washington University majoring in public relations and minoring in business administration. In addition to her job as a communications associate for CMRubinWorld, she has been a staff writer on newspaper and periodical publications, 非営利団体のPR活動の経験があります

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
