Watch as a 13-year-old boy experiences a Buddhist ritual beneath a stunning Japanese waterfall in Kazuya Ashizawa’s short film, 瀑布. The video captures the family’s preparation, the scenic journey, and the powerful ceremony.
The cinematography skillfully immerses viewers into the experience, especially with underwater footage, evoking a sense of participation. The ritual’s significance is palpable as the family witnesses the boy’s completion, marked by applause and pride.
I rate this 4 出 5. 然而, a desire for a more extended duration and additional context about the ceremony leaves room for improvement.
傑克·德威特畢業於阿德里安學院 (阿德里安, 密歇根州) 擁有傳播藝術與科學以及戲劇雙學士學位.