By Jake Mascolo
What Do You Know about the Tesla Gigafactory? Is a short video by Keegan Haskin that effectively discusses electric cars and gigafactories, their benefits for the future, and the issues that need to be resolved.
Haskin highlights the topics being discussed by using interesting source selections, such as a Leonardo DiCaprio interview with Elon Musk. Musk explains how a network of gigafactories could reduce emissions more economically, but that it would take 100 of them to supply the world with sustainable energy, a process that could be accelerated by bringing in companies from around the world.
Haskin gives examples of why it’s easier said than done, such as Tesla’s Gigafactory plant, which required a lot of water and was located in a region that was experiencing droughts from climate change. His narration fits the overall feel of the video pretty well, despite the fact that it could have been a bit more enthusiastic and less raspy.
In the end, we are left with an understanding of gigafactories and how they’ll shape our future, as well as the challenges that still lie ahead. Gigafactories are a great step in the right direction of making electric vehicles more widely accessible and environmentally friendly.
As someone who is interested in Tesla and Elon Musk’s ideas, I found this short video to be overall both interesting and educational.
I would give this 4 out of 5 stars.
Jake Mascolo is a current student at SUNY Old Westbury focusing on graphic design, 3D modeling and animation while pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts. With an interest in the digital media space, he is interning as an audio & video editor at CMRubinWorld.
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