今日の二酸化炭素排出量はどれくらいでしたか? 私たちは排出量を追跡していますか


In the informative film, 今日の二酸化炭素排出量はどれくらいでしたか? by Sydney Chandler and Shari Porter, climate change and carbon footprints are put under the microscope, and potential solutions are explored. We learn about the impacts individuals and companies are making, and how to potentially track and offset our emissions.

While watching this film, I gained valuable insights. Though I understood the concept of a carbon footprint and some solutions like transitioning to green energy, I was surprised by the depth of information presented. Learning about the significant rise in emissions since 1970, the availability of tracking apps for individuals and companies, and the mandatory tracking requirements for over 10,000 companies by European governments was eye-opening. さらに, I found the graphics impressive, with seamless integration of images, テキスト, そして、ビデオ, creating a cohesive viewing experience. The transitions and visual explanations made it easy to follow and engaging.

Although the pace and volume of the film were not entirely to my liking, I found it to be informative and enriching. It prompted me to take action by monitoring my carbon footprint moving forward.

I would give this film a 4 の中から 5 出演者.

エミリー・ブルックスはモレーンパーク工科大学を卒業したばかりです, 彼女はグラフィック コミュニケーションの AAS を取得しました。, Web開発とデザインだけでなく, そしてファイ・シータ・カッパ名誉協会の会員として優秀な成績で卒業しました。.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
