Megan Weisenberger’s 撒哈拉沙漠正在發生什麼? utilizes a slideshow of images and a pocketful of concise explanations to describe exactly “what’s happening in the Sahara Desert.” The reasons for the unfortunate ongoing crises are touched on, ranging from declining rainfall to deforestation.
另外, 綠色長城倡議 2007 is highlighted as a powerful effort to correct any issues and save the vital desert.
The chief complaint in regard to this film is it seems to simply touch on basic facts without adding any additional information. This may be as a result of timing and not wanting to over analyze the situation in the Sahara. 然而, it would have been appreciated to learn more about the conditions currently, as well as the Great Green Wall.
因此, 我會給這部電影 3 出 5 星星。
Rhea Mursalin 剛從加州大學畢業, 她在聖地亞哥獲得了傳播學學士學位.