Qual è la connessione tra cambiamento climatico e uragani: Affrontare una questione globale e imperativa

Di Rhea Mursalin

Qual è la connessione tra cambiamento climatico e uragani is a short film created by Charlie Parker with voice over by Tiffani Sitz for Planet Classroom’s Problem Solvers series. Affronta la principale relazione tra tempeste frequenti e violente e l’innalzamento del livello del mare causato dai cambiamenti climatici. Insieme alla natura educativa e informativa di questo progetto, a demand for the protection of coastal communities is at the forefront of the film.

Through the use of a picture slideshow and a voiceover, the film creators use scientific research to support their claims and state the urgency of issues to come in the next few decades. The argument presented is certainly expressed with gravity with the bottomline being the safety of human lives. In terms of production, closed captions or some synopses on each slide would have been appreciated for accessibility purposes.

Darei questo progetto 4 per 5 stelle.

Rhea Mursalin è una neolaureata dell'Università della California, San Diego where she earned a Bachelor’s in Communications.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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