By Reilly Wisniewski
Tanner Sell has done an outstanding job gathering many different sources of information regarding the tragic topic that is school shootings. The Classroom Is The Frontline is a harrowing yet much needed example of the discourse our country needs to have to resolve in this deadly matter.
“74% of all school shooters obtain their firearms legally and pass the required validation.” This is truly haunting. The fact that firearms are so easily accessible to anyone including those who have a history of mental health issues is extremely upsetting and outright dangerous to our children’s well being. Adults are not exempt from this level of danger either.
This video makes it clear that something must be done regarding the accessibility of firearms. With the nation being completely and utterly divided on the issue at hand, the future is grim and forever will be if we don’t come to a conclusion that will ensure the safety of all Americans.
One hang up I’m having with this video is the song choice. Although it makes the video and theme easier to stomach, I’m not sure if it’s the most appropriate choice for the subject matter at hand. Mental health and fatal attacks on children are extremely serious topics. I believe the audio track is a little too cheerful and uplifting to use with this type of video.
However, that being said, I am an adult and can easily comprehend the video and its message whether there’s a song or not. I think much younger folks will find this video very approachable. Ultimately I think it’s super beneficial for youth to start understanding these very serious topics. It educates them on what has been happening in schools and public places around the country. Understanding the situation better could ultimately save lives.
This topic matter is by no means an easy one to tackle head on, and I think Tanner has done a great job in his execution.
I would give this film 4/5 stars
Reilly Wisniewski is a recent graduate of Compass College of Film and Media. He is currently on his way to receive his Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts with an emphasis on Film Editing. He is a Film and Video editing intern at CMRubinWorld working on their Net Zero series.
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