By Tanner Sell
Anything Goes is a short film by director and animator Malibu Taetz that explores the creative possibilities of incorporating animation into the direction of a story and its characters. As a writer sits across from his character, the two go back and forth with each other, bickering over how their story should proceed. Ultimately a compromise is reached, but potentially at the expense of the writer’s insanity.
This style of storytelling is very unique and opens the doors for endless creative possibilities. Malibu Taetz certainly has an ability to both direct and animate that will prove to be useful in his future endeavors. I’m anticipating his future works greatly.
Despite this, I failed to understand the complete message being conveyed through this film. Other than the struggles of a writer, this film’s only purpose appears to be the spirit of fun.
I am pleased to rate this film with 3 out of 5 stars.
Tanner Sell is a student at The Pennsylvania State University studying Telecommunications and Media Industries with a focus on ethical resolutions to current and future technical problems. He is a communications intern at CMRubinWorld with interests in music and video production, philosophy, and sociology.
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