Nacho Ros’s 没有地图 is about a young girl called Rebecca who falls in love with the classic story, 爱丽丝梦游仙境. 就像那个故事的主角一样, 丽贝卡掉进了她自己的兔子洞. 这是一个现实生活中人类斗争的兔子洞. 丽贝卡在学校挣扎. 她失去了亲近的人, 她几乎要结束自己的生命。尽管这一切, she ultimately realizes she has friends that will help and support her along the way.
The production value of this short film is very strong. The main character is interesting to follow, and you sympathize with her story as time goes on. 然而, this film’s biggest issue is that there are no subtitles which can cause some confusion for viewers especially since they may not be familiar with the cast and crew’s native language. For those that do watch it without knowing the language, they are left with picking up visual details of what is happening. They can see that the main character likes 爱丽丝梦游仙境, they can see she is struggling in school, and they can see that she is dealing with heavy burdens.
我给这部电影 4 stars for its story and its characters but it does need subtitles so it can appeal to a wider audience.
亚历克斯最近毕业于芝加哥哥伦比亚学院,主修喜剧写作 & 表演和电视写作辅修. 除了他作为 CMrubinWorld 星球课堂网络电影选择团队的一部分工作之外, 他曾担任国际儿童媒体中心的筛选小组实习生, 素描作家, 以及第 61 届芝加哥/中西部艾美奖的现场制作助理.