A Review of Huanshuo Wang’s Film Attraction

di Alex Silverman

Attraction is written, diretto, modificato, prodotto, and cinematographed by Huanshuo Wang. It was made as a final project for the 2022 Workshop per cineasti della NYU Tisch Summer High School.

Si svolge in Cina, troviamo un giovane liceale che scopre una ragazza sorda che prova dei sentimenti per lui. Quello che segue sono diversi tentativi di impressionare la ragazza, ma ogni suo piano sembra fallire. It isn’t until he’s finally about to give up that he gets the girl’s attention, with a surprise comedic twist at the end. It’s an enjoyable and relatable little story that everyone can sympathize with.

io do questo film 3.5 per 5 stelle.

Alex is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a major in Comedic Writing & Performance e un minore in scrittura per la televisione. Oltre al suo lavoro come parte del team Planet Classroom Network Film Selection a CMRubinWorld, he is a sketch writer, and pursuing a career in acting in New York City.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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