مشتری ذہانت کے ساتھ کمیونٹیز کو بااختیار بنانا: تبدیلی پیدا کرنا

By Sadie Judd

مشتری ذہانت کے ساتھ کمیونٹیز کو بااختیار بنانا, produced by Sergio Castaneda, is a very short, informational film about the benefits of Jupiter Intelligence, a technological company dedicated to analyzing and providing accurate details on climate change. Through their work, many communities, such as farmers, are able to understand when certain climate events will take place and be able to prepare for them.

Through this film, audiences are able to recognize the importance of mitigating climate change and feel inspired to do their part in creating a safer world.

مجموعی سکور: 4/5

Sadie Judd is a senior at DePaul University with an editing concentration in the Film and Television department. Aside from editing films, she can be found reading fantasy books, watching comedies or taking a nice stroll.

مصنف: C. M. روبن

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یہ سائٹ Akismet سپیم کو کم کرنے کا استعمال کرتا ہے. آپ کے تبصرے کو ڈیٹا عملدرآمد کیا جاتا ہے کہ کس طرح معلومات حاصل کریں.