The Dilemma: Extra-Curricular Institutions in China, directed by Huanshuo Wang, offers an in-depth exploration of China’s “cram school” system. The film captures the rise of commercialized education and the impact of extracurricular learning centers on students and teachers. Wang directs, 書き込み、, edits, produces, and films this thoughtful examination of China’s education landscape.
The film presents interviews with students and teachers, sharing insights into the role of extra-curricular education in their lives. Covering both the benefits and controversies of these learning institutions, this documentary provides an accessible, insightful view of China’s educational system.
Overall Rating: 3.5/5 出演者
アレックスはコロンビア大学シカゴ校を卒業し、コメディライティングを専攻しています。 & テレビのためのライティングのパフォーマンスとマイナー. CMRubinWorld の Planet Classroom Network Film Selection チームの一員としての仕事とは別に, 彼はスケッチライターです, そしてニューヨーク市で俳優としてのキャリアを追求する.