Soluzioni solari – Una revisione del potenziamento della rivoluzione dell’energia verde: La storia di Jackery

By Teresa Matuzak

When I heard the word ‘Jackery,’ I thought this film would be discussing car jacks, but director Bailey Lawless gave me a whole new meaning for the word: a green energy-focused, California-based company providing solar energy for those looking to go off the grid.

As illustrated in Empowering Green Energy Revolution: La storia di Jackery, the world is facing an energy crisis as we continue to rely on fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gasses. Jackery ( a company that makes portable power stations and solar generators for outdoor use) solves this problem with its portable, solar-based power generators, panels, and power stations. Now those camping, hiking, or living off the grid have a green energy source, not to mention that Jackery’s energy solutions have been used to aid firefighters during California’s 2023 Wildfire season. Hooray for Jackery!

This film effectively communicates Jackery’s purpose and solutions thanks to Lawless’s editing and a well-paced voiceover provided by Gabrielle Scott. Lawless’s visual storytelling effectively engages viewers in the video and encourages them to support green energy solutions. If I were an outdoorsy person, I would choose Jackery!

Overall score: 5/5 Stelle

Teresa Matuzak is a student director entering her second year at DePaul University to earn her BFA in Film & Television. When not writing screenplays or directing films, she can be found playing Minecraft and binging on old TV shows.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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