全球搜索教育: 想像力, 魔術, 和愛: 與阿羅哈的早晨與尼可拉斯·里尼的對話

這個月, 觀眾可以放映 A Morning With Aroha 在星球課堂網絡上. 這部電影由星球課堂策劃.

充滿愛的早晨, directed by Nicholas Riini, follows a young girl named Aroha as she uses her imagination to bring joy to her family, 朋友, and neighbors.

With a bit of magic, her creativity blossoms, spreading aroha (愛) throughout her community. This heartfelt short film celebrates art, 家庭, and the power of imagination.  

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Nicholas Riini.

Nicholas, 充滿愛的早晨 explores the intersection of creativity, 想像力, and family. What inspired you to tell Aroha’s story, and how did you approach blending magic with real-life themes?

I created this film from a mix of life experience, raising our (gifted) special needs daughter, and the need to entertain as a filmmaker. Everything I create has a sense of magical realism. I think it’s my desire to believe that society could be better if we added a little magic to our lives and imagined our dreams coming true.

The use of art as a means of connection is central to this film. How did you conceptualize the visual representation of Aroha’s imagination?

在一開始的時候, I had grand ideas of this big graphic animation splurged all over the screen, but then I realized that’s not how kids think when they create. I wanted to show it as real and as understandable as possible.

The concept ofaroha” (愛) plays a vital role in the film. How did this theme shape the emotional arc of the story, and how did you ensure it resonated throughout the narrative?

Aroha, or love, can and will overcome anything if you allow it. Aroha is prominent in all my stories in varying ways. I truly fell in love with my wife and daughters, and it seems to come out when I write. I want the audience to feel what I feel.

The film balances whimsical fantasy with grounded, real-world elements. What challenges did you face in striking that balance, and how did you bring it to life on screen?

I know I should say it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but honestly, it was easy. I had a great crew helping me get it in the can. My wife, who co-produced with me, made sure I stayed on task. We had Iti Pounamu’s parents on set every day—Itu plays Aroha. Raising a special needs child ourselves, we had an idea of how to proceed and keep it in the moment. 從本質上說, we kept it as real as possible and let it unfold naturally.

謝謝, Nicholas!

ç. M. Rubin with Nicholas Riini

不要錯過 A Morning With Aroha, 現已在星球課堂網路上直播. 這部電影由星球課堂策劃.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓



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